Your comfort, health, and safety have always been our highest priority.
Due to the Coronavirus, we have added additional protocols, to keep all of us safe.
We prefer to use the term physical distancing not “social-distancing” because we are very social here. But physical distancing is different and naturally built into our practice.
We see only one client at a time. Except for parents with children, the reception area is closed to visitors and asked to wait outside during the appointment.
We encourage clients to complete their paperwork online. If you need assistance, we can help you over the phone.
We require clients to wear masks to and from appointments and use hand sanitizer, which we supply.
Clients will be asked about COVID-19 symptoms and recent travel. If they have any symptoms or have had recent travel, we will reschedule them.
We will take and record your temperature, blood pressure, and oxygen levels.
The treatment room is isolated from the reception area and the air is constantly being sanitized during appointments by an electrostatic ozone air purifier.
The per-patient sterilized wrapped instrument cassettes are stored in drawers and only opened when the client is the treatment chair.
Touch surfaces in the treatment room and the reception area, including pens and door handles, are disinfected between clients.
We will wear a surgical mask in the reception area and for spa services. During dental procedures, we will wear an N-95 mask, surgical outer mask, face-shield, a lab coat, and of course gloves.
TheraSol, an anti-microbial and anti-virus dental product is used in the dental waterlines, so any aerosols produced during a dental cleaning will be harmless. Click the hyperlink to see a video on its effectiveness.
Between appointments, we added 30 minutes to run the air purifier on high.